How To Relieve Jaw Pain Quickly and Permanently

Feb 23, 2023

TMD is a condition that affects the jaw and teeth. Multiple factors can contribute to TMJ jaw pain. The intensity of the discomfort can also vary, from slight to very agonizing. Simple habits like chewing gum all day long or more serious problems like teeth grinding can also cause jaw pain. Jaw discomfort, regardless of its origin, is uncomfortable, especially when it extends up the side of your face. For a truly terrible encounter, it's also likely to impact both sides of your jaw. Fortunately, our doctor for TMJ pain, recommends the following available methods for reducing jaw pain quickly. 

Common signs of TMD

TMD is referred to by a number of other names, which you may have heard. Regardless of the name, the condition is all about jaw-related problems involving the jaw joint or muscles. 

Using a ball and socket joint, the jaw attaches to the skull. The little cartilage disc that resides in the joint serves as a load-bearing cushion. This particular location gives you the ability to speak, eat, and open and close your mouth. It is susceptible to damage because it is used frequently, though. After that, ongoing stress can result in damage, edema, and a few other problems. 

There are several typical TMD signs: 


  • Swelling in your jaw and face 
  • Shoulders, neck, head, jaw, and ears ache 
  • Closed jaw 
  • A bite that feels unnatural and out of alignment all of a sudden 
  • When you open and close your jaw, there may be a popping, grinding, or clicking sound. 
  • Ear ringing 
  • A toothache 

Typical TMD causes 

Jaw pain is frequently brought on by: 

  • Arthritis 
  • Injury to your mouth or jaw 
  • An incorrect bite 
  • Excessive biting of gum and excessive teeth grinding 


TMD is more prevalent in women between the ages of 18 and 44. It's thought that factors including sleep apnea and fibromyalgia, as well as genetics, have little impact on your likelihood of developing temporomandibular joint dysfunction. 

5 Techniques to Reduce Jaw Pain 

Warming and Cooling 

Apply a cold pack if you experience infrequent episodes of severe jaw pain. To relieve jaw pain by the cold's ability to numb the nerves. 

And it's simple to accomplish. Simply place a few ice blocks on either side of your face for around 10 minutes while they are wrapped in thin towels. If required, repeat this every two hours. 

Heat is the solution if you simply have a continuous, dull discomfort rather than acute pain. Your jaw muscles will relax as a result of the increased blood circulation brought on by heat. Simply place a few facecloths on your face for 20 minutes at a time after soaking them in warm water. 

Sit up treat jaw pain 

If you spend most of the day sitting on a chair, it's crucial to sit upright and not slouch or lean forward. Make sure your back is properly supported. Make sure your chin doesn't stick straight out. If you lean forward, you strain your neck and back, which leads to jaw pain. 

Use a document holder if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer so you don't have to stoop over or strain your neck to view the text. 

Jaw-relieving exercises 

Your mouth can become sore from misuse, just like a muscle that cramps up from overuse. A jaw pain treatment is a few easy exercises that will help you relax those stiff muscles, rectify an erroneous jaw position, and ease jaw pain. 

If your jaw hurts when you're exercising, stop and take a break. To track your improvement, practice moving your jaw in front of the mirror. 

Many TMD sufferers have abnormal movement of their jaw. However, you can quickly pick up a new, right position. Place a small sticker in the center of your chin, then open and close your lips while holding it there. 


When this occurs, try to open your mouth while maintaining an aligned jaw. It will initially feel strange, but it will get better with time. You might see a complete disappearance of your jaw discomfort as a result of this helping to relieve it. 


You may extend your jaw and relax your muscles anywhere you are, including in the vehicle, at home, or when reading a book. Your mouth should be gently opened wide before slowly closing. Then carefully open your mouth a little wider with the aid of your hand. This kind of gentle stretching can strengthen the muscles and prevent lockjaw to prevent jaw pain and discomfort and provide jaw pain relief. 

Gently stretch and massage 

The jaw's masticatory muscles are in charge of chewing and grinding. With this TMJ disorder treatment, try to perform this exercise frequently to thoroughly stretch and strengthen your muscles.

Your jaw can be softly massaged by making little, circular motions with the tips of your fingers. Next, widen your mouth as much as you can without experiencing pain. Each time, maintain the stretch for 10 seconds. Ten times during the stretch, relax your jaw.

Keep an eye out 

If your TMD is worse by nighttime teeth grinding or persistent clenching, think about investing in a low-cost mouthguard. Sports shop guards can still be molded for a suitable fit to assist eliminate your habit of clenching your jaw, however, it won't be as effective as a custom-designed guard. 

Phone: 209-847-8091


Fax: 209-847-3314

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Oakdale, CA 95361

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